Questionmark on Open Relationships (1/4)

Twenty-four couples replied to incredibly intimate and judgemental questions, so you won't ever have to be the prick who asks them.

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Μy open relationship

Welcome to my Questionmark on Open Relationships.

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Q1. How have your previous relationships impacted your decision to be in an open relationship?

"Never had a serious relationship before this one. I guess casual relationships impacted my current relationship in that I got to keep enjoying casual sex with other men."

"Strongly (hahaha), I always felt like I wanted to have sex with other guys despite loving my couples and wanting to fuck with them. It gives a context to show that an open relationship can work and be productive."

"Actually, they would have logically been evidence against the idea, but here we are."

"It's probably had a pretty significant impact subconsciously. The relationship before this one wasn't a healthy one - very controlling and abusive. So, for me, freedom socially and sexually is important.

"This is my first relationship."

"This is the only serious relationship I've been in."

"I was just out of a ten-year monogamous relationship when I met him. I decided I wasn't gonna get into another relationship like my last."

"I was in a very long closed relationship. I always felt the need to try something more open, but my partner wasn't keen on the idea. Over the years, the need got stronger and stronger."