"Why do I sometimes feel a bit like RuPaul?"

It's not often that I'm asked to talk about questionmark. But that happened a few weeks ago and in the post below you can watch my interview and learn more about me and why I'm doing questionmark.

Brian from Kweer.io interviews Mike Questionmark

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Kweer is the place for other. It is where we give heteronormativity the middle finger. We curate news, social media, and events for all the queers who never felt like they fit in. This is the safe space for you - to truly express who you are as LGBT+ people and connect with your kind.

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Just another Sex Crisis? Sex and intimacy during COVID-19
In 1986 I was a 13 years old with boiling hormones and a wild interest in anything that had to do with sex. One of the first things I rem...

And one in English and German:

Ist dein Sinn für Ästhetik ebenso formbar wie dein Bizeps?
(English translation below) (Photos courtesy of @qingbabyjey, @sl.vno and @_adydelvalle) Weil die gängigen Schönheitsideale unserem Autor auf die Stimmung schlugen, verbannte er sämtlichen Speedo-Content von seinen Social Media und folgte nur noch männlichen Übergrössen-Models – ein Desaster. “Dein…

More about Mike

As if you hadn't seen enough.