Open Relationships 101
Mike's introduction to Open Relationships. I used to be a villager... (and still am at heart since I live in Dublin) Back then, a sex date with a guy I fancied a lot proved that I was "that innocent". I'm not sure how old...
Mike's introduction to Open Relationships. I used to be a villager... (and still am at heart since I live in Dublin) Back then, a sex date with a guy I fancied a lot proved that I was "that innocent". I'm not sure how old...
I had relocated to Spain just eight months before and the change of scene from Dublin to Barcelona was beyond what I had expected. In Dublin, I lived a very sheltered life, very naive and innocent and didn’t get myself involved in the gay scene. It just didn’t interest me. When I moved here, I...
As a child, my grandmother would always tell me. ‘Stay away from those white kids, they ain’t nothin’ but trouble’. This sounded racist butI failed to understand is that having been born in the 1910s, the majority of her encounters with whites were terrible.
This is a story from an anonymous reader about how their experience with alcohol and drugs since a very young age and how they have come out through this tunnel with the help of AA. “I started drinking and using drugs when I was about 16. At the time, I...
I was asleep when my mum woke me up softly. Tears were running down her face. She looked confused. “Come to the living room, please. I don’t want to wake your brother up”. There is no right time for people to learn you are LGBT. There is no wrong...
Twenty-four couples replied to incredibly intimate and judgemental questions, so you won't ever have to be the prick who asks them. Q9. How do you deal with jealousy and trust? "One of us is not a jealous person. The key is to talk about it and how...
Twenty-four couples replied to incredibly intimate and judgemental questions, so you won't ever have to be the prick who asks them. This post is the first of a series. Open Relationships 101 > Questionmark on Open Relationships Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4...
“Some stories are very personal. And so this is. I don’t mind people know it, but I wouldn’t like people to know something so personal before meeting me. It is a part of myself I prefer to choose with who I will share it and when.” This story...
Have you ever had a dystopian nightmare? The kind of nightmare that a far-right-wing government takes over your country and the police is raiding your house. If you belong to a minority, you have much higher chances of having such a night vision, or worse, you may be living in one right now.
> Pride is the first of the seven deadly sins, and I believe I know why. Before leaving Greece, I experienced the rise of the far-right and realised one thing. Pride, combined with ignorance, paves the shortest path to fascism. When you are proud of something you haven’t accomplished,...
My HIV story started in 2014 when one of my dreams got true; I got accepted as a member of the cabin crew of Emirates Airlines. I was preparing to get my visa to move to Dubai and got advised to do some tests in my home country before moving over.