Open Relationships 101
Mike's introduction to Open Relationships. I used to be a villager... (and still am at heart since I live in Dublin) Back then, a sex date with a guy I fancied a lot proved that I was "that innocent". I'm not sure how old...
Mike's introduction to Open Relationships. I used to be a villager... (and still am at heart since I live in Dublin) Back then, a sex date with a guy I fancied a lot proved that I was "that innocent". I'm not sure how old...
I had relocated to Spain just eight months before and the change of scene from Dublin to Barcelona was beyond what I had expected. In Dublin, I lived a very sheltered life, very naive and innocent and didn’t get myself involved in the gay scene. It just didn’t interest me. When I moved here, I...
As a child, my grandmother would always tell me. ‘Stay away from those white kids, they ain’t nothin’ but trouble’. This sounded racist butI failed to understand is that having been born in the 1910s, the majority of her encounters with whites were terrible.
This is a story from an anonymous reader about how their experience with alcohol and drugs since a very young age and how they have come out through this tunnel with the help of AA. “I started drinking and using drugs when I was about 16. At the time, I...
I was asleep when my mum woke me up softly. Tears were running down her face. She looked confused. “Come to the living room, please. I don’t want to wake your brother up”. There is no right time for people to learn you are LGBT. There is no wrong...
“Two more weeks in quarantine!”. That’s what I heard in the news, and this was when it hit me. This isn’t going to last for only two more weeks. And I did what I always do when I get depressed; I fell asleep. I must have been in...
Story 1: Noone is stealing my purse, bitch. One night I fancied some roleplay and chatted with a guy on Grindr who was up for it. He lived quite far but my profile description caught his attention even though I didn’t have a profile pic. We then exchanged face...
Growing up in a straight world I’ve known since the age of twelve that I was somehow different compared to my classmates in elementary school. Or even at a younger age. I mean, when do you really know about your sexuality? I still haven’t figured it all out....
The 2020 Pandemic and the MSM clusters This article is written by an anonymous reader. One of the mysterious features of the 2020 pandemic at the time was the HSE’s difficulty in identifying one particular source of community infection. Repeatedly, in those frantic first months of the crisis, tracers...
This is a story from an anonymous reader about how their experience with alcohol and drugs since a very young age and how they have come out through this tunnel with the help of AA. “I started drinking and using drugs when I was about 16. At the time, I...