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Mike Questionmark

Creating a better LGBTQ+ community

All your answers from the recent survey are included below in the format: “Answer”- author Putting our money where our mouth is Giving money to LGBT causes can be of the highest importance for our community. I believe we can all understand how funding NGOs that protect our members...

Mike Questionmark

A library of LGBTQ history links

Reading The History of LGBT rights [https://www.history.com/topics/gay-rights/history-of-gay-rights] The American Gay Rights Movement [https://www.thoughtco.com/american-gay-rights-movement-721309?fbclid=IwAR1PAvrWKnOT0dK97_jCX4ZviEAaAsYuXmwTr3qOGXN6pN0HFGlCzRLHaJk] Respect Your Trans Elders: Two Justice Warriors Who Paved the Way for Today’s Trans Movement [https://medium.com/transequalitynow/respect-your-trans-elders-two-justice-warriors-who-paved-the-way-for-todays-trans-movement-ffb071ad993b...


Coming out for the first time: 8 bittersweet short stories

Everyone's coming out story is different. For some, it was as easy as having a 5-minute conversation with their family. For others, it has been like climbing a mountain barefoot. And while some coming out stories are cocoa-like bitter, they can turn into sweet chocolates when we share...

Mike Questionmark

Sad yet hopeful. My coming out story

I was asleep when my mum woke me up softly. Tears were running down her face. She looked confused. “Come to the living room, please. I don’t want to wake your brother up”. There is no right time for people to learn you are LGBT. There is no wrong...

Mike Questionmark

Sam Smith's Gender Pronouns Update Is What Our Community Needed

Sam Smith has reportedly updated their pronouns to “their/them”. That happened a few months after they came out as gender non-binary. This is of great importance for our community and Sam Smith as well. Sam probably the most famous person requesting to be addressed with the singular “they” pronouns...

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