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Mike Questionmark

Threatened To Be Outed At The Age Of 15

We don’t need to know why people are not ready to come out. We have to be able to let them be. The setting I was 15 years of age. To an outsider, I was living a boring life in a dull village in northern Greece. On the inside,...

Mike Questionmark

Holidays in Anti-LGBT destinations?

54% of you said no. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading all your thoughts I kept coming across the following keywords. NOs: safety, money, no support, unwelcome. YESes: educate, support, solidarity. Some of us were made brave to explore the seas and the stars, to take risks and challenge the world. Some of us...

Mike Questionmark

The “Coming Out” That Made Me

Disclaimer Exclamation Marks are personal stories within QuestionMark [http://questionmark.dev.onpressidium.com]. Alternatively, I would have called them “Stories that made us or broke us”. This one took place years ago in a small village in northern Greece. I will do my best to stay as original as I...

Mike Questionmark

Should companies join Pride?

Yes, they should! But also, no, they shouldn’t. Your opinions Should corporations participate in Pride parades? Are they supporting or exploiting the LGBT community? It is not about the brand, it is about the people who work for the brand. Apple has a presence in every Pride where they...

Mike Questionmark

Do Fetishes Have a Place In Pride Parades?

Your opinions only In this post, I haven’t included my opinion but only your answers. Make me happy by subscribing to the future blog posts. [http://bit.ly/QuestionMark-subscribe] Do Fetishes Have a Place In Our Pride Parades? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The “Yes” ones I think they do. Pride is all...

Mike Questionmark

Are we being exploited?

A community, a movement, and the games of profit. Exploit to make use of meanly or unfairly for one’s own advantage e.g. exploiting migrant farm workers Source [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/exploit] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is trying to exploit the LGBT community? 34 of you replied: Rupaul? Really...

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