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Coming out; from my parents to work

“I’m a very open person, and “oversharing” should be my middle name. I was getting into a serious relationship with my girlfriend and realised it was only a matter of time before I slipped up and revealed this part of my life in a negative way. I told my...


Just one pill a day, I thought

One of my best friends once told me that our dreams secretly tell us what we want the most. I don’t know if that’s true, but I often dream I’m flapping my wings and flying high. As crazy as it sounds, freedom is still something that I...

Mike Questionmark

Would you refer a trans girl like me?

My name isn’t Maria, but I will be Maria for this article. I am a trans girl that was born several years ago in a poor neighbourhood in Brazil. My mum was too young when she gave birth to me, so my grandparents and my uncle were the ones...


My name is Ariadni, and this is my story

I was only a little child when I sneaked into my mum’s bedroom, and I put on her dress and lipstick. At this young age was the first time my mum tried to scare the woman out of me. It took me several years to face the world and...


Growing up black and gay: Tired of being different #BLM

As a child, my grandmother would always tell me. ‘Stay away from those white kids, they ain’t nothin’ but trouble’. This sounded racist butI failed to understand is that having been born in the 1910s, the majority of her encounters with whites were terrible.

Mike Questionmark

What advice would you give to the people who raised you?

Recently I asked my Instagram friends [http://instagram.com/m1kemark/] what advice would they give to the people who raised them. The answers I received were amazing so here is a post with advice for parents with LGBT children. For more of these quick competitions follow me on Instagram [https:...

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